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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Signing GRS/TRS Retirement Paperwork

Retirement paperwork may be submitted up to six months prior to retirement date and not less than two months prior to retirement date to ensure that first retirement payment is made on time.



We look forward to meeting with you to finalize your retirement plans. Please remember that we use TRS tools to give you the very best TRS estimate we can, but we can only give you an estimate. If you will be retiring with exactly 10 years of service or exactly 25 years of service; or if you will be retiring with 25 years or 30 years of service using sick leave credit; or if you have had a significant increase in your salary during the past 3 years, please contact TRS for a retirement estimate – 404/352‐6500.



  • Color Copy of Retiree’s Unexpired U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card Or Color Copy of Retiree’s Unexpired Driver’s License (or State ID Card) and Social Security Card
  • Color copies of all primary and secondary beneficiaries’ Driver’s License, Passport or Government‐issued ID

          NOTE: It is very important that all copies of the Photo IDs are readable – both name and

  • Checking account information for Direct Deposit if you are changing from your current GCPS direct deposit (or a voided check)

          NOTE: You must provide the documents/information above when you turn in your retirement
          paperwork. Failure to do so will result in a delay in processing your retirement.


  • Name, current address, SS#, date of birth and phone number of primary and secondary beneficiaries
  • Your home e‐mail address


  • Choose the Gwinnett Retirement (GRS) plan best suited for your needs.

          NOTE: This is a final decision that cannot be changed once retirement payments begin.

  • Choose the Teachers Retirement (TRS) plan best suited for your needs. Be sure to obtain and review the estimate from TRS prior to application completion.

          NOTE: This is a final decision that cannot be changed once retirement payments begin.

  • Who do you want as the beneficiary(ies) under both GRS and TRS plans? Who do you want as the beneficiary(ies) for your life insurance policy(ies).
  • What optional benefits do you want to continue into retirement?

          NOTE: These benefits must be in place prior to Retirement to ensure continuance into your Retirement.

  • Tax withholdings for both TRS and GRS. Married or Single? Number of allowances?

NOTE: Please go to the TRS website and update your personal information, beneficiary information, etc. using the User ID and Password provided in your last meeting. The address is Select Active Member Log In. Click on View – Active Member Account Summary and Manage My Account.