Early Intervention Program (EIP)
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a state-funded and regulated program designed to serve students in grades K – 5 who may be at risk of not reaching or maintaining grade level AKS expectations, as defined in the state Early Intervention Program Guidelines. The purpose of EIP is to help students reach grade-level performance in the shortest possible time.
Students may qualify for EIP in reading and/or in mathematics based on the state’s eligibility requirements.
The program design is developed in coordination with regular AKS instruction and other educational programs. Development and evaluation of the program involves teachers, administrators, and parents at the school level. The Early Intervention Program includes four components:
Early Intervention Program is staffed by certified teachers with experience and expertise in teaching students with diverse needs and abilities. Early intervention funds provide additional staff beyond that provided through regular funds.
Each participating school selects the delivery model(s) to be used. Any combination of state-approved models may be used within a school depending on the unique needs and characteristics of the students and school.