Free and Reduced Meal Frequently Asked Questions
The SY24-25 Free and Reduced Price Application is Now Available
Do I need to complete a new application each year?
Yes. USDA allows a thirty-day grace period for students who were at a Gwinnett County School and on the program from the previous year. After 30 days students who do not have a current application on file will be charged full price for meals.
Does my kindergarten student need an application?
Benefits can be extended temporarily to kindergarten siblings for the first thirty school days. School Nutrition has to know who these students are. A form can be completed at kindergarten registration or you can notify our office at 678 301-6307.
However, parents are required to complete a new application each school year. The names of all children (including kindergartners) should be written on the new application.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
It may take ten days to approve your application. Students are expected to pay full price for meals. Parents are responsible for all charges until the application has been approved.
Why does my child have charges?
Your child may have purchased an a la carte item that is not free. Also when an application approval date expires, a free or reduced student without payment for meals will accrue charges and the parents are liable for these charges.
What if my child's status changes?
A student who changes from free to reduced or full pay will be given 10 calendar days and written notice of the date of this change. A student who changes from full pay or reduced to free will be changed immediately to the increased benefit.
What if I do not have a social security number?
You must include the last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application. If you do not have a social security number, you must mark the box on the application informing us that you do not have one.
I did not fill out an application and my child is free or reduced?
Counselors and principals may apply for students known to be eligible. Your child may also be direct certified through the State Department of Family and Children Services.
Will my Foster Child be free?
Foster children are eligible to receive free meals. USDA requires the foster parent to submit an application to be processed.
What does it mean if I am Direct Certified?
Direct Certified students automatically receive free meals for the entire year. This means you have a food stamp or TANF number. You may call us to remove your child from the free and reduced program if you do not want this benefit.
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