obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to illustrate the organization of interacting systems within single celled and multi-celled organisms
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the mechanisms through which populations evolve
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explore the theory of evolution
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how genetic engineering techniques can manipulate DNA and lead to advancements in society
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how changes in the environment have contributed to speciation and biodiversity
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze the role of cellular transport in maintaining homeostasis
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in cells
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze the role of the cell cycle in maintaining genetic continuity
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding processes that result in heritable genetic variation
ask questions to investigate and provide explanations on the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the energy exchange of organisms, examining their function in the cycling of matter and the flow of energy in ecosystems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the interdependence of all organisms on one another and their environment
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze the nature of the relationships between structures and functions in living cells
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the use of the modern atomic theory and periodic law to explain the characteristics of atoms and elements
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the chemical and physical properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms to form bonds
plan and carry out appropriate safety practices for equipment used for all classroom laboratory and field experiences
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to determine chemical composition in compounds and chemical reactions
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how to refine the design of a chemical system by applying engineering principles to manipulate the factors that affect a chemical reaction
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the relationship between distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration as functions of time for one-dimensional motion
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the importance of Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum in predicting the behavior of physical systems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about nuclear changes of matter and related technological applications
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical and magnetic force interactions
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties and applications of mechanical waves and sound
plan and carry out investigations, using lenses and mirrors, to identify the behavior of light
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the importance of law of conservation of energy in predicting the behavior of physical systems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical circuits
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to identify the force or force component responsible for causing an object to move along a circular path
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties and applications of electromagnetic waves
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about electrical force interactions
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how forces affect the motion of objects
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the relationship between distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration as functions of time for two-dimensional motion
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of solutions
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the relationships among force, mass, and motion
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of waves
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how atoms bond to form stable compounds
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the Law of Conservation of Mass/Law of Conservation of Matter
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from the Periodic Table to explain the relative properties of elements based on patterns of atomic structure
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of and relationships between electricity and magnetism
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain transformations and flow of energy within a system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the changes in nuclear structure as a result of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay
communicate scientific information, ideas, and arguments clearly
apply computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing conclusions
apply standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations
design and conduct scientific investigations
read scientific materials to establish context for subject matter, to develop vocabulary, and to be aware of current research
use technology to collect, observe, measure, and analyze data and report findings
discuss the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and exhibit these traits in efforts to understand how the world works
use valid critical assumptions to draw conclusions
B - Academic Knowledge
explain recombinant DNA technology
identify genetic changes, including DNA mutation and repair, human genetic diseases, and the detection of mutations
understand genes and their functions
explain the regulation of gene expression in bacteria, bacteriophages, and eukaryotes
explain Mendelian genetics
examine the ethical and legal issues arising from the application of bioengineering
explain gene expression
explain the genetics of populations, including genotypic frequencies and allelic frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg, variation in natural populations, and forces that change gene frequencies
develop reasonable conclusions based on data collected (GPS)
write clear, coherent laboratory reports related to scientific investigations (GPS)
identify, develop and investigate questions/problems that can be answered through scientific inquiry
follow correct procedures for use of scientific apparatus (GPS)
develop and use systematic procedures for recording and organizing information (GPS)
read grade-level appropriate text (both informational and fictional) from a variety of genres and modes of discourse (GPS)
determine the source of large disparities between estimated and calculated results (GPS)
B - Mathematical Skills
apply mathematical skills and processes to analyze and solve scientific problems
C - Content Knowledge
build electric circuits and will use Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws to explore the relationships between concepts such as current, voltage, resistance, capacitance and electrical power
investigate fluid power systems (pneumatic and hydraulic) and apply the scientific laws that govern each
explain the history of robotics along with the significant technology that has resulted over the last 2,000 years
collaborate as a team to optimize a design solution that involves the engineering design process in which solutions are systematically tested and refined
explore the relationships between work, power, torque, and kinetic energy (using narrative and mathematical descriptions) and be able to apply these relationships to realistic situations
use a text-based programming language such as RobotC required to control robotic systems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the reproductive system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the muscular system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the function of cardiovascular and respiratory system in the transport and exchange of materials throughout the body
obtain, evaluate, and communicate the interdependence of the systems of the body
obtain, evaluate, and communicate the relationship between anatomical structure and physiological processes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the endocrine system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the digestive system and the excretory system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the nervous system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure and function of the skeletal system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the function of integumentary system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties of biochemical molecules
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how thermodynamically favored reactions are more likely to take place
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the use of the modern atomic theory to explain the characteristics of atoms and molecules
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the chemical and physical properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms to form bonds
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases
plan and carry out appropriate safety practices for equipment used for all classroom laboratory and field experiences
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the composition and formation of Earth systems, including Earth's place in the solar system
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explore the actions of water, wind, ice, and gravity as they relate to landscape change
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how life on Earth responds to and shapes Earth's systems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to understand how plate tectonics create certain geologic features, landforms, Earth materials, and geologic hazards
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to understand how rock relationships and fossils are used to reconstruct Earth's past
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the interaction of solar energy and Earth's systems to produce weather and climate
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the impact of humans to global ecosystems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how succession occurs following a disturbance to an ecosystem
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate how organisms interact as individuals and as populations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explore how populations grow in predictable patterns
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate how matter cycles in and out of an ecosystem
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding threats to biodiversity worldwide
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how air and water quality affect ecosystems on a global level
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to identify and describe Earth’s major aquatic and terrestrial biomes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate how the stability of an ecosystem depends on energy flow
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information for how biotic and abiotic factors interact to affect the distribution of species and the diversity of life on Earth
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the impact of continued human population growth on the demand for Earth's resources
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the use and conservation of the various forms of energy resources
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on water
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on the conservation of biodiversity
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how humans impact land resources and construct explanations of the potential effects of habitat destruction, erosion, pollution and depletion of soil fertility as a result of human activities
obtain, evaluate and communicate information about the effects of human population growth, activities, and technology on global ecosystems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to construct explanations of stability and change in Earth's ecosystems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on the atmosphere
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding trace evidence
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding physical evidence used in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information identifying and analyzing the use of serology in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how forensic science is the application of science to the law
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the role of ballistics, fingerprints and other impressions evidence in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information used to investigate how document examiners analyze questioned documents involved in forensic investigation
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information identifying and analyzing the use of DNA in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information used to investigate evidence involving arson and explosives
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the proper techniques to search, isolate, collect, and record physical and trace evidence at a crime scene
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information as it pertains to cybercrimes in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information identifying and analyzing the use of toxins and drugs in forensic investigations
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding how the body is used as evidence, including the use of models to determine time of death
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how to identify and control variables in order to maintain pure bacterial cultures
obtain, evaluate, and communicate proper microscopic techniques when preparing microscope slides
obtain, evaluate, and communicate the role of microorganisms play to water quality and waste- water treatment
obtain, evaluate, and communicate disease terminology
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding major industrial processes involving foods
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information showing the impact of the invention of the microscope on the field of microbiology
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about common microbial diseases
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the different methods of food- processing and storage and how these processes might relate to microbial growth
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about cellular differences that are used in the classification of microbes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the molecular mechanisms involved in gene expression in microbes
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information in order to investigate the germ theory
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the effectiveness of physical and chemical agents on controlling bacterial growth
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about different aseptic techniques
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to discriminate between abiogenisis and biogenesis
obtain, evaluate, and communicate the role of microorganisms in agriculture
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the societal and economic impact of viruses
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the characteristics of viruses
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the identification and characteristics of marine organisms found in the pelagic and benthic ocean
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the chemical characteristics of seawater (pH, density, and dissolved oxygen)
obtain, evaluate, and communicate data on atmosphere's greenhouse effect and implications of this effect for the future
obtain, evaluate, communicate information regarding the characteristics of a wave and relate those characteristics to ocean phenomena
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding different types of marine sediments
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the cycling of matter and the flow of energy among organisms in marine ecosystems
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding models that explain the origin of Earth and oceans
obtain, evaluate, and communication information regarding the properties of water
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding light and sound movement through water
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the interaction of the atmosphere and seawater
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the theory of global plate tectonics
obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how nonliving components of marine habitats determine the biological diversity of coastal water, estuaries, lagoons and marginal seas
construct explanations regarding the relationship between structure and function in living systems at a variety of organizational levels, and recognize living systems' dependence on natural selection
engage in inquiry by asking or responding to biological oriented challenges and problems, collecting and analyzing data, giving priority to evidence, developing solutions based on evidence, connecting solutions to scientific knowledge, and communicating solutions
develop and use models to explain and illustrate with examples how living systems interact with the biotic and abiotic environment
construct explanations regarding how various organisms grow, develop, and differentiate during their lifetimes based on an interplay between genetics and their environment
engage in scientific inquiry in biology topics by asking or responding to scientifically oriented questions, collecting and analyzing data, giving priority to evidence, formulating explanations based on evidence, connecting explanations to scientific knowledge, and communicating and justifying explanations
analyze and interpret data to demonstrate if a hypothesis is supported by the data, or if a proposed engineering solution is viable
plan and carry out investigations to test a biological hypothesis or evaluate a solution to a biological problem
analyze and interpret data to demonstrate if a hypothesis is supported by the data, or if a proposed engineering solution is viable
plan and carry out an investigation to gather evidence to compare the physical and chemical properties at the macroscopic scale to infer the strength of intermolecular and intramolecular forces; the investigation may include melting point, state of matter, solubility, viscosity, and conductivity
plan and carry out an investigation to calculate the amount of heat absorbed or released by chemical or physical processes
plan and carry out investigations to test a chemistry-based hypothesis or evaluate a solution to a chemistry problem
engage in scientific inquiry in chemistry topics by asking or responding to scientifically oriented questions, collecting and analyzing data, giving priority to evidence, formulating explanations based on evidence, connecting explanations to scientific knowledge, and communicating and justifying explanations
plan and carry out an investigation to determine and use data to justify that a new chemical has formed by identifying indicators of a chemical reaction (i.e., precipitate formation, gas evolution, color change, water production, and changes in energy to system)
plan and carry out an investigation to evaluate the factors that affect the rate at which a solute (i.e., solid or gas) dissolves in a specific solvent
plan and carry out an investigation to explore acid-base neutralization
construct explanations to demonstrate an understanding of atomic and molecular structure to explain the properties of matter, and predict outcomes of chemical and nuclear reactions
plan and carry out an investigation to demonstrate the conceptual principle of limiting reactants
engage in inquiry by asking or responding to chemistry oriented challenges and problems, collecting and analyzing data, giving priority to evidence, developing solutions based on evidence, connecting solutions to scientific knowledge, and communicating solutions
communicate scientific information, ideas, and arguments clearly
apply computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing conclusions
design and conduct scientific investigations
use technology to collect, observe, measure, and analyze data and report findings
apply standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations
read scientific materials to establish context for subject matter, to develop vocabulary, and to be aware of current research
use valid critical assumptions to draw conclusions
B - Academic Knowledge
conduct a complete, research-based scientific investigation including obtaining and documenting accurate data, performing data analysis, critiquing and modifying experimental protocols, and report findings
use collaborative skills to inquire and explore research and career opportunities in science
clearly communicate the results and conclusions of a research-based scientific investigation
explore the scope of funding, professional development, and collaboration within the scientific research community
using knowledge obtained from scientific literature, design an ethical research-based experimental project that investigates questions or problems that can be answered through scientific inquiry
read credible, peer-reviewed scientific literature to recognize and understand the elements of ethical scientific research; develop vocabulary and subject-related content knowledge; and become familiar with current research in the field, as well as the implications of the research