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Gwinnett County Public Schools
Adapted Curriculum Lab reopens at Oakland Meadow School

Oakland Meadow School held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on January 27 to celebrate the reopening of its Adapted Curriculum Lab. The lab will provide lessons and resources to support adapted curriculum for special education teachers across Gwinnett County Public Schools.

Among those in attendance were Board Members Karen Watkins and Dr. Mary Kay Murphy, Superintendent Dr. Calvin Watts, Dr. Al Taylor, DeNelle West, and Dr. Nicole White. All present at the event had the opportunity to visit the lab, explore the many resources available, and watch a short presentation on the lab’s purpose.

The Adapted Curriculum Lab will host a lending library for teachers to check out ready-to-use adapted lessons that are aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Teachers can also request to have an Instructional Specialist co-teach an adapted lesson with them in their classroom. Additionally, teachers in the low incidence program areas can request teaching materials and behavior supports to use daily in their classroom free of charge from the ACL “Store”.

For more information, please contact the Lab at

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