Expected Behavior and Decorum of Visitors to Meetings
Welcome to the Business Meeting of the Gwinnett County Board of Education—the time when the Board conducts its business of governing the school system in a public arena. While these monthly meetings are open to the public, they are not meetings with the public. In this public setting, comments from the audience are confined to the individuals who signed up to speak during the time designated for citizens to address the Board. Those who are unable to attend the meeting or address the Board may send comments or concerns to their School Board representative or myschoolboard@gcpsk12.org.
This school district is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone attending meetings of the Gwinnett County Board of Education. As part of this commitment, GCPS continues to consider and implement additional safety and security measures. Examples include clear communication regarding expectations for visitors, an increase in the number of SROs supporting the meeting, additional staff welcoming visitors and monitoring the room, and video monitoring of those entering the Board Room. In addition, meeting attendees will pass through a metal detector and a security screening prior to entering the meeting. Meeting attendees are encouraged to arrive early to provide ample time to go through the security check-in.
Below you will find information about expected behavior and decorum of visitors as well as consequences for those who choose to disrupt proceedings.
For future meetings, citizens interested in addressing the Board should complete a Request Form online.
The request form for public comment on school policy or operations will be available six (6) business days following the monthly Board Meeting.
The request form for public comment on agenda items will be available the Thursday prior to the Board Meeting (at the same time agendas are posted).
A maximum of 30 speaker slots are available for each month’s meeting. If all slots are filled or you are unable to attend the meeting, send your comments and/or concerns to myschoolboard@gcpsk12.org.
- Masks are strongly recommended in GCPS facilities, including the Instructional Support Center and Board meeting rooms.
- Visitors are asked to silence their cell phones or communication devices before the meeting begins.
- Visitors and speakers should not bring signs and posters into the building.
- Only the speakers who signed up to participate in the meeting will address the Board (Policy BCBI).
- Speakers and other visitors in attendance should act with decorum, acting civilly and politely to others.
- Those in attendance should extend courtesy to School Board members and to all speakers by listening respectfully and by refraining from making comments or sounds while others are speaking.
- Disruptions will be addressed as they cannot be allowed to interfere with the official business of the Board of Education.
- If an individual creates a disruption, he/she will be asked to stop the disruptive behavior by the Board Chairperson, the Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee.
- If the individual does not comply with that request and continues with the disruptive behavior, police and/or security will be directed by the Board Chairperson, Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee to remove the individual from the room. Individuals removed for disruptive behavior may face criminal charges.
Expected Behavior and Decorum Translations:
Español, 한국어, 中文, Tiếng Việt