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Gwinnett County Public Schools
Gwinnett continues to outpace state on CCRPI scores

The state released its 2022 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) reports for Georgia schools. Gwinnett County’s public schools continue to score above state averages on the CCRPI Index. Gwinnett elementary schools scored 73.3 on Content Mastery and 78 on Readiness compared to the state scores of 63 and 71.8 respectively. The Gwinnett middle school scores of 72.5 (Content Mastery) and 89 (Readiness) are also higher than the state scores of 60 (Content Mastery) and 75.1 (Readiness).

In looking at individual school results: 26 Gwinnett schools earned CCRPI scores of 90 or greater in Content Mastery, with Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (GSMST), Level Creek Elementary, Puckett’s Mill Elementary, Riverside Elementary, Simpson Elementary, and Suwanee Elementary schools scoring 100 or greater. Ten GCPS schools earned CCRPI scores of 90 or greater in Readiness, (Crews MS, Level Creek ES, North Gwinnett MS, North Gwinnett HS, Osborne MS, Puckett’s Mill ES, Riverside ES, Simpson ES, and Suwanee ES) with GSMST leading the way with 99.7. Georgia high schools scores of 64.7 (Content Mastery), 73.2 (Readiness) also lagged behind Gwinnett high schools’ scores of 73.9 and 75.1 respectively. The graduation rate for Gwinnett high schools is 84.1, an increase over 2018 (82.5) and 2019 (82.0) scores. Nearly half (11) of the district’s 24 high schools had graduation rates of 90 or above, with GSMST leading the way with a graduation rate of 99.3.

While a direct comparison to 2021 is not available since Georgia and other states were not required to calculate federal accountability reports, Georgia Milestones scores, (upon which the Content Mastery component is based), largely increased from 2021 to 2022. (Some data from 2020 and 2021 is available, but is not calculated into a 0-100 score.) Due to missing or incomplete data attributed to the suspension of testing in 2020 and low participation in 2021 testing, the U.S. Department of Education provided a waiver for 2022 to allow no single score to be calculated for the state, districts, and schools. CCRPI is made of 4 components for elementary and middle school:  Content Mastery, Progress, Readiness, and Closing Gaps. However, once again, because of incomplete data due to the suspension of testing in 2020 and low participation in 2021, no data is available in 2022 for Progress and Closing the Gaps. The high school score adds Graduation Rate to have 5 components.

Elementary CCPRI Score
  Overall Content Mastery 30% Progress 35% Closing Gaps 15% Reading 20%
GCPS 2022* NA 73.3 NA NA 78.0*
State 2022* NA 63.0 NA NA 71.8*


Middle School CCPRI Score
  Overall Content Mastery 30% Progress 35% Closing Gaps 15% Reading 20%
GCPS 2022* NA 72.5 NA NA 81.9*
State 2022* NA 60.0 NA NA 75.1*


High School CCPRI Score
  Overall Content Mastery 30% Progress 35% Closing Gaps 15% Reading 20%
GCPS 2022* NA 73.9 NA 75.1* 84.1
State 2022* NA 64.7 NA 73.2* 84.7