Parents of students receiving special education services in Gwinnett are invited to attend an informational Zoom session on Tuesday, Nov. 16, as part of the “Gwinnett County Parent Mentors Present” series. Parent Mentor Dawn Albanese will share her insights on “Navigating the Holidays,” including tips and ideas on making the holiday season more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone.
This monthly learning series is designed for families of children with disabilities, and presented by the Gwinnett County Parent Mentors in collaboration with GCPS’ Special Education Department staff and community leaders and organizations. Spanish interpretation services are available. Zoom sessions will be held on Nov. 16 from noon to 1 p.m., and again from 6 to 7 p.m.
- Click the link to register for the noon session
- Click the link to register for the 6 p.m. session
Parent Mentors are parents who work within GCPS’ Special Education Department, providing information and support to other families who have children served in the program. Mentors Dawn Albanese and Jackie McNair have first-hand knowledge of raising a child with special needs as they both have a child who has been served or is being served in GCPS.
Questions? Contact Ms. Albanese by phone at (678) 301-7212 or by email at