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Gwinnett County Public Schools
 SAT For All November 2022: An Option for Meeting Graduation Requirement

This information was emailed to parents and guardians of all eligible students on November 18, 2022. 

At the October 2022 Board of Education meeting, a new Post-Secondary Readiness policy was adopted. The transition to this policy aligns our assessment practices with Our Blueprint for the Future, focusing on providing access to assessments that increase student opportunities for post-secondary options. As a part of implementing this new policy, Gwinnett County Public Schools will transition away from the performance requirement within the Gateway Writing Assessment in U.S. History to a participation requirement through an SAT school day administration for students.   

Students in the Class of 2024, or current 11th graders, will need to participate in either the Gateway Writing Assessment in U.S. History or the school day administration of SAT for All to meet this graduation requirement.  

SAT for All 

  • Wednesday, March 22, 2023 

Gateway Writing Assessment in U.S. History 

  • Monday, March 27, 2023 

To register your student for the SAT for All administration, complete the information at this link This survey must be completed by Friday, December 16, 2022, in order to register for the SAT for All. If a student is not registered for the SAT for All via this survey link, then they will participate in the Gateway Writing Assessment in U.S. History. 

Please contact your local school counselor if you have any questions before making a decision.  

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