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Gwinnett County Public Schools
Senior To-Do List for January

January is the start of a New Year and a new semester, which means you have the unique advantage of a fresh start in more than one way! How cool is that? Here's a college checklist with suggestions of ways you can start off January on the right track.

  • Fill out your FAFSA - You will need your guardian’s income information, so encourage them to help you apply.
  • Register for standardized tests (if necessary or need a redo) - if you receive free or reduced price lunch, you qualify for free or reduced price exams as well.
  • Create an organization system to keep track of college applications, deadlines, and requirements. Remember to send your 1st semester transcripts to colleges applied to as needed, and make sure all paperwork sent out is received by following up with the college’s registrar’s office.
  • Avoid senioritis -Focus on your class goals and stay motivated to keep your grades high. Remember that you are now closer to graduation than the beginning of the school year.
  • Apply for scholarships & grants (learn about the difference)
  • Apply for or plan for a part-time job and make a financial plan with your guardians
  • Start checking what math classes are required freshman year in your potential major and make a plan to make sure you are prepared for it. This is the #1 reason students change majors. GCPS offers free for all students.
  • Don’t forget the most important part - ENJOY high school!