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Gwinnett County Public Schools

Alcova Elementary School, Jackson Elementary School, Northbrook Middle School, Osborne Middle School, Mill Creek High School, and Paul Duke STEM High School have been awarded a combined total of nearly $50,000 by the Bosch Community Fund (BCF). The six Gwinnett County schools were selected as grant recipients based on their commitment to and excellence in STEM education. The schools will use the grants to fund STEM-related projects. This is the fifth year that schools in the Gwinnett district have been the recipient of BOSCH grant funds.

The BCF, the corporate foundation for Bosch in North America, was established in 2011 to provide community engagement and philanthropic support. It seeks to support STEM education with a focus on three goals:

  • Support the talent pipeline and address the science knowledge gap
  • Support environmental education with stewardship
  • Support conservation and restoration of natural resources

The grants provide educational resources for teachers and increase student access to hands-on STEM and environmental sustainability programming.

The BCF awards up to $3 million in grants annually to projects with a science, technology, and environmental focus.


STEM Focus of Grant

Grant Award

Paul Duke STEM HS

STEM Team’s Hoop Dreams—This grant will support the construction of a hoop house and associated costs including hoop house building supplies, aquaponics supplies, water filtration supplies, water reclamation supplies, a wind turbine, and a solar energy collection system. 


Mill Creek HS

EPIC STEM Experiential Learning—This grant will support the Experiential, Project-Based, Innovative, Collaborative and Cross-Curricular learning (EPIC) program at Mill Creek High School and associated costs including an outdoor ecosystem impact classroom, expansion of a hydroponics program, Arduino Explore IOT kits, a field trip to the Georgia Tech Living Building, and teacher professional development at the GA STEM Forum. 


Northbrook MS

Northbrook Engineering and STEM Exploration Lab—This grant will support Northbrook Middle School’s Engineering and STEM Exploration Lab project and associated costs including the purchase of STEM kits and Chromebooks.


Osborne MS

Designing Outdoor Learning Spaces Brings STEM to Life—This grant will support project-based and inquiry-based STEM learning opportunities at Osborne Middle School and associated costs including STEM kits, materials and supplies, and teacher professional development in project-based learning and STEM.


Jackson ES

Jackson Elementary Robotics and STEM Lab—This grant will support STEM and robotics programs at Jackson Elementary School and associated costs including the purchase of an Ozobot Evo classroom kit, Makey Makey STEM packs, and LEGO Education MindStorm & SPIKE sets. 


Alcova ES

Alcova Computer Science/STEM program—This grant will support the purchase of iMac desktop computers for Alcova Elementary School’s Computer Science program. 
