Summary of Key Performance Indicators
Our KPIs represent a mix of both leading and lagging indicators. Leading indicators are those which point to future events. Conversely, lagging indicators represent outputs, measuring events that have already occurred. KPI reporting will occur on a bi-annual schedule in August and January, representing data collected for the prior school year. This reporting schedule will ensure the timely delivery of data as they become available. In some instances (marked *) data are based on the prior school year due to the reporting timeline.
Strategic Priority #1: KPIs
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
1.A Empathy - Cultural Competence |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Cultural Proficiency - Staff Survey |
73.8% |
74.3% |
75.3% |
77.3% |
80.3% |
84.0% |
Cultural Proficiency - Student Survey |
82.6% |
83.1% |
84.1% |
85.6% |
87.6% |
90.0% |
Cultural Proficiency - Family Survey |
82.7% |
83.2% |
84.2% |
85.7% |
87.7% |
90.0% |
Sense of Belonging - Student Survey |
71.1% |
71.6% |
72.6% |
74.6% |
77.6% |
82.0% |
Sense of Belonging - Family Survey |
84.2% |
84.7% |
85.7% |
86.7% |
88.2% |
90.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
1.B Empathy - Student & Staff Wellbeing |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Student Wellbeing - Student Survey |
57.6% |
58.6% |
60.6% |
64.6% |
69.6% |
75.0% |
Student Wellbeing - Chronic Absenteeism |
16.9% |
15.4% |
14.5% |
13.2% |
11.6% |
10.0% |
Student Supports Ratios – Counselors |
490:1 |
447:1 |
427:1 |
402:1 |
377:1 |
350:1 |
Student Supports Ratios - Social Workers |
4853:1 |
4377:1 |
3901:1 |
3425:1 |
2949:1 |
2475:1 |
Student Supports Ratios - School Psychologists |
2565:1 |
2547:1 |
2529:1 |
2511:1 |
2493:1 |
2475:1 |
Staff Support - Staff Survey |
78.4% |
78.9% |
79.9% |
81.9% |
84.9% |
89.2% |
Staff Wellbeing - Chronic Absenteeism |
12.8% |
11.8% |
10.8% |
9.8% |
8.4% |
7.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
1.C Empathy - Educator Diversity |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Teacher Retention - Early Career (BIPOC) |
84.0% |
85.2% |
86.4% |
87.6% |
88.8% |
90.0% |
Teacher Retention - Experienced (BIPOC) |
89.1% |
91.1% |
91.6% |
92.3% |
94.0% |
95.0% |
Diversity Index |
52.5% |
56.6% |
58.8% |
61.3% |
62.8% |
65.0% |
Strategic Priority #2: KPIs
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
2.A Equity - Multi-tiered System of Supports |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
MTSS Screening - Academic |
0.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
MTSS Screening - Wellbeing |
0.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
PBIS Implementation - % of Schools Implementing PBIS |
75.0% |
80.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
PBIS Distinguished - Number of Schools Earning PBIS Distinguished Designation |
8 |
9 |
12 |
18 |
30 |
42 |
Reading Below Grade Level on Milestones - 3rd Grade, Historically Underserved Groups |
32.8% |
31.0% |
29.0% |
26.0% |
22.0% |
18.0% |
Student Improvement - % Beginning on Milestones |
22.6% |
21.6% |
20.0% |
18.0% |
15.5% |
12.0% |
EL Progress Towards Language Proficiency – CCRPI |
69.5 |
71.0 |
73.3 |
76.4 |
80.3 |
85.0 |
EL Exit Rate |
7.5% |
8.0% |
9.0% |
10.5% |
12.5% |
15.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
2.B Equity - Multi-tiered System of Supports |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Kindergarten Readiness, Historically Under- served Groups |
38.2% |
38.7% |
40.7% |
42.7% |
45.7% |
50.0% |
Advanced Coursework Completion, Historically Underserved Groups* |
23.3% |
27.0% |
36.0% |
43.0% |
52.0% |
60.0% |
Gifted & Talented Representation - Number of Student Racial/Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in Gifted & Talented Programs |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Discipline Disproportionality - Number of All Student Groups Overrepresented in ISS and OSS |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
SAT/ACT Participation* |
48.0% |
50.0% |
75.0% |
90.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
2.C Equity - Resource Allocation |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Title I Experienced Certified Staff |
71.0% |
71.0% |
72.0% |
74.0% |
77.0% |
81.0% |
Effective Tier 1 Instruction - % of Students Meeting Annual Growth Expectation, Historically Underserved Groups |
N/A |
Student Devices Assigned |
26.9% |
80.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Strategic Priority #3: KPIs
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
3.A Effectiveness - Results-Based Evaluation System |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Improvement Progress - Benchmark Assessments |
N/A |
CCRPI Progress - Milestones/ACCESS Growth (SY2019 = 102)* |
102 |
102 |
105 |
110 |
118 |
130 |
"Beating the Odds" Schools (SY2019 = 47)* |
47 |
47 |
49 |
52 |
56 |
61 |
District Support for Improvement - Staff Survey |
82.5% |
83.0% |
84.0% |
85.5% |
87.5% |
90.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
3.B Effectiveness - Talent Management |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Human Resources Expertise - SHRM/HRCI Certified |
9.0% |
15.0% |
25.0% |
35.0% |
45.0% |
60.0% |
Teacher Leadership Roles |
969 |
977 |
1177 |
1477 |
1777 |
2177 |
Pipeline Development - "Grow Your Own" |
22.3% |
24.5% |
27.7% |
32.1% |
37.5% |
44.0% |
Teacher Retention - Early Career |
84.3% |
85.3% |
86.4% |
87.5% |
88.7% |
90.0% |
Teacher Retention - Experienced |
89.5% |
91.2% |
92.0% |
92.9% |
93.9% |
95.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
3.C Effectiveness - Return on Investment |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Financial Efficiency* (SY2019 = 4.5 of 5.0 possible) |
4.5 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
Bus Safety - Miles between Accidents |
127,256 |
131,000 |
135,000 |
139,000 |
143,000 |
147,000 |
Efficient Facilities Maintenance - Days to Complete Work Orders |
8.8 |
8.4 |
8.1 |
7.7 |
7.4 |
7.0 |
Nutrition Services Utilization - Lunch Participation |
64.9% |
64.0% |
65.3% |
67.9% |
71.8% |
77.1% |
Program Evaluation |
N/A |
Strategic Priority #4: KPIs
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
4.A Excellence - Preferred Education Destination |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
County Resident Enrollment Rate |
93.6% |
90.0% |
90.0% |
90.0% |
90.0% |
90.0% |
Employee Retention |
89.1% |
89.2% |
89.4% |
89.6% |
89.8% |
90.0% |
Family Satisfaction - Family Survey |
84.4% |
84.9% |
85.7% |
86.7% |
87.9% |
90.0% |
Student Satisfaction - Student Survey |
49.9% |
54.9% |
59.9% |
64.9% |
69.9% |
75.0% |
Student Achievement |
48.2% |
49.2% |
51.2% |
54.7% |
59.2% |
65.0% |
4-year Graduation Rate |
83.2% |
83.5% |
84.0% |
85.0% |
87.0% |
90.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
4.B Excellence - Post-secondary & Workforce Readiness |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
College Readiness |
23.7% |
25.5% |
27.5% |
30.5% |
34.5% |
39.5% |
CTE Pathway Completion |
25.3% |
29.8% |
32.8% |
36.8% |
41.8% |
45.0% |
Students Eligible for HOPE Scholarship |
51.2% |
54.4% |
56.4% |
59.4% |
62.4% |
66.0% |
9th Grade On-Track |
73.6% |
75.1% |
77.1% |
80.1% |
84.5% |
90.0% |
PSAT 8/9 On-Track for College Readiness |
36.7% |
37.7% |
39.7% |
42.7% |
45.7% |
51.0% |
Reading Grade Level or Above on Milestones – 5th Grade |
74.5% |
75.0% |
77.0% |
79.0% |
82.0% |
85.0% |
Elementary Schools Providing Computer Science or STEM Specials |
79.0% |
85.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
SY2022 |
SY2023 |
SY2024 |
SY2025 |
SY2026 |
SY2027 |
4.C Excellence - World-class communication & engagement |
Baseline |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Target |
Interpreters and Translations - Family Survey |
94.6% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
95.0% |
Family Survey Participation |
14.3% |
21.4% |
29.6% |
35.7% |
42.8% |
50.0% |
Responsive Communication - Family Survey |
77.7% |
78.7% |
80.7% |
83.2% |
86.2% |
90.0% |
Parent Portal Account |
71.5% |
72.5% |
74.5% |
78.5% |
84.5% |
90.0% |
Parent Portal Account Login |
N/A |
*Data are based on prior school year due to reporting timeline; NYA=Not yet available; TBD = to be determined; N/A = Not applicable