Technology and Innovation
Supporting and maintaining the digital infrastructure for Team GCPS, and facilitating technology platforms that allow our students to achieve and perform with excellence.
The Office of Technology and Innovation manages the school district's technology resources, tools, infrastructure, and digital platforms that serve more than 182,000 students and 22,000 members of Team GCPS.
As stated in Our Blueprint for the Future: Building the Bridge from Empathy to Excellence, the Office of Technology and Innovation will "revise and implement updated systems, structures, and processes for progress monitoring."
The following offices are aligned to support these initiatives:
The Office of Information Security
The Office of Infrastructure & Operations
The Office of Information Systems & Solutions
The Office of Enterprise Support Services
The Office of Instructional Technology & Innovation
The Office of Project Management
Eric Spoto
Interim Chief Technology and Innovation Officer
(678) 301-6500
Executive Assistant
(678) 301-6500