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Gwinnett County Public Schools

As the 2021–22 school year comes to a close, 540 veteran educators and support staff members will mark their retirement from Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). In total, our 2021–22 retirees have contributed a collective 13,382.8 years of their lives to education, and a total of 11,278.5 years to Gwinnett schoolchildren. In fact, 57.8% (312) of our retirees have worked their entire careers—in the classroom, office, cafeteria, bus, or shop—in this school system. Among this year’s retirees, 186 have 30 or more years of service in education, 19 have invested 40 or more years in education, and two retirees have 50 years in education! Our retirees include one associate superintendent, one assistant superintendent; one chief strategy officer; one executive director; seven principals; veteran central office leaders; a number of longtime support staff members; and many administrators, classroom teachers, counselors, and media specialists. Whatever their post-retirement plans, hearty congratulations are in order for all of our retirees, along with our thanks for their service to Gwinnett County Public Schools.

This list reflects retirees who announced their plans by April 22, and includes only those retirees who requested to be on the list of retirees shared for promotional purposes when they completed the GCPS Retirement Office questionnaire. A number of retirees chose not to be included.

Congratulations to this year’s GCPS retirees!

(*Names with an asterisk designate employees who have worked 40 or more years in education.)

  • Randy Aaron, Zone 080 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 11 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Zakia Abedi, School Nutrition Program Worker, Jenkins ES, 18 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kathi Abraham, Health and PE Teacher, Mulberry ES, 29.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Michael Agee, Zone 06X Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Sean Ahern, Local School Technology Coordinator, Dyer ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Donna Ahlswede, Science Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 37 years in education, 34 years in GCPS
  • Joe Ahrens, Assistant Superintendent, School Improvement and Operations, 30 years in education, 27 years in Gwinnett
  • Irene Aikhomu, Special Education Teacher, Snellville MS, 18 years in education, 7 years in GCPS
  • Senada Ajanic, Head Custodian, GSMST, 26 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Cindy Allen, Media Clerk, Minor ES, 29 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Miriam Allen, School Nutrition Program Worker, Winn Holt ES, 13.5 years in education, 10.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Emma Alligood, School Nutrition Program Manager, McKendree ES, 16.7 years in education, all in GCPS
  • James Allred, Jr., Economics Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 32 years in education, 20 years in Gwinnett
  • Cindy R. Amick, Teacher, Gwin Oaks ES, 19 years in education, 18 years in GCPS
  • Nina Amoroso, School Nutrition Program Worker, Twin Rivers MS,  13.5 years in education, 10 years in Gwinnett
  • Billy Ray Anderson, Zone 07R Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 22 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jelone Anderson, Custodian, Shiloh ES, 21.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Everett Gene Andrews, Zone 069 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 11 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Donna Anthony, School Nutrition Program Worker, Norton ES, 8 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Julianne Apperson, Paraprofessional, Knight ES,15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Rita Arsenault, Teacher, Riverside ES, 38 years in education, 22 years in Gwinnett
  • Fidelis U. Asielue, Special Education Teacher, Shiloh HS, 15 years in education, 12 years in GCPS
  • Elisabete Askew, School Nutrition Program Worker, Bethesda ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ramona Avery, Language Arts Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Aurelia I. Avram, Custodian, Walnut Grove ES, 8.3 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Theresa Bailey, Bookkeeper, Coleman MS, 24 years in education, 19 years in GCPS
  • Sheila Baird, Teacher, Ivy Creek ES, 24 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jeannie Baldesare, Payroll Assistant, Business and Finance, 25 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dana Ballard, Orchestra Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 30.5 years in education, 25.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Larry Ballard, Master Craftsman, Building Maintenance, 26.5 years in education, 22 years in GCPS
  • Jim Barbee, Business Education Teacher, Peachtree Ridge HS, 19 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Mary Barbee, Director of Media Services and Technology Training, Information Management and Technology, 35 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Janet C. Barbrow, Clinic Worker, Collins Hill HS, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jimmy Barfield, Zone 073 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 11 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Andrea Bastain, School Nutrition Program Worker, Osborne MS, 7.5 years in education, 4.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Ann Bastone, School Clerk I, North Gwinnett MS, 28 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Linda Batch, Retirement Specialist, Business and Finance, 23 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Burneele Bates, Coordinator, Business and Finance, 22 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Monica Batiste, Associate Superintendent, Human Resources and Talent Management, 32 years in education, 26 in Gwinnett
  • Brenda H. Beal, Teacher, Magill ES, 14 years in education, 2.5 years in GCPS
  • Karoline Beard, Facility Assistant, Superintendent’s Office, 22.5 years in education, 15.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Gloria Beasley, Teacher, Meadowcreek ES, 22.5 years in education, 22 years in GCPS
  • Tammy Beauchamp, Mathematics Teacher, McConnell MS, 19 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Charles Winston Beaver, Zone 066 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Carmen Bell, School Clerk IV, Lilburn ES, 30.5 years in education, 21.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Darren Bennett, Biology Teacher, Grayson HS, 33 years in education, 22 years in GCPS
  • Kathy Bentley, Science Teacher, Berkeley Lake ES, 33.5 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Ricky Berry, Technology Support Technician I, Information Management and Technology, 16.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Tammye Nisewonger Berry, Social Studies Teacher, Couch MS, 32.7 years in education, 12 years in Gwinnett
  • Ginny Binion, Stellar Substitute, Pinckneyville MS, 8 years in education, 7 years in GCPS
  • Eddie Bishop, Technology Support Technician III, Information Management and Technology, 25.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kari Black, Administrative Assistant, Mulberry ES, 26 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Harold Blankenship, Band Teacher, Grace Snell MS, 42 years in education, 10 years in Gwinnett
  • Jimmy Bobian, Zone 06H Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vasilica Boeru, Custodian, Hull MS, 30 years in education, 20 years in Gwinnett
  • Jan Bohon, Administrative Assistant I, Information Management and Technology, 22 years in education, 11 years in GCPS
  • Mary Boncek, Zone 06P Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 13 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sharon Bonds, School Clerk IV, Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, 8 years in education, 18.8 years in GCPS
  • Julie Bonnett-Del Villar, Special Education Teacher, Walnut Grove ES, 28 years in education, 16 years in Gwinnett
  • Beverly Born, Zone 071 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kelli Boudreaux, Special Education Teacher, North Gwinnett MS, 31 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Karen Bova, Paraprofessional, Grayson HS, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Linda C. Boyd, Principal, Twin Rivers MS, 35 years in education, 34 years in Gwinnett
  • Lynn Bradley, Entrepreneurship Teacher, Brookwood ES, 30 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Edgar Brigman, Zone 06Z Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 12 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Debbie Brinkley, Custodian, Mulberry ES, 26.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Brigette Britt, Teacher, Grayson ES, 30.6 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Teresa Brooks, Zone 072 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Brenda Brown, Paraprofessional, Walnut Grove ES, 22.5 years in education, 20.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Carol S. Brown, Paraprofessional, Lilburn ES, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cheryl Brown,Student Data Management Clerk, McConnell MS, 19.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Constance A. Brown, Special Education Teacher, Discovery HS, 18 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Janice Brown, Language Arts Teacher, Berkmar MS, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Deborah Lynn Browning, Special Education Teacher, Brookwood HS, 36 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Kathy Brunson, Zone 06P Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 14.8 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Neal Bryson, Area Manager, Facilities and Operations, 10 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vicki Buice, Special Education Teacher, Parkview HS, 22.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Carol Burch, Paraprofessional, Meadowcreek ES, 22 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kellye Burkhart-Hill, Special Education Teacher, Parkview HS, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • *Gary Burrell, Mathematics Teacher, North Gwinnett HS, 40 years in education, 32 years in GCPS
  • Jerryl M. Butcher, Mathematics Teacher, North Gwinnett MS, 38 years in education, 13 years in Gwinnett
  • Hope Cabot, Special Education Teacher, North Gwinnett MS, 30.5 years in education, 17 years in GCPS
  • Barbara A. Caldwell, ESOL Teacher, Meadowcreek HS, 33 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Bonnie Cameron, Zone 07R Regular Education Transportation Supervisor, Transportation, 13.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Denise Canty, School Nutrition Program Assistant Manager, Walnut Grove ES, 19.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Melodie Cleckler Carr, Mathematics Teacher, Parkview HS, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Victoria E. Castro, School Clerk I, Hopkins ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Linda Chambers, Teacher, Roberts ES, 26 years in education, 14 years in GCPS
  • Lisa Chawla, Special Education Teacher, Norcross HS, 21 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sandra Chedwick, Special Education Teacher, Jordan MS, 35 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • *Dr. Carla Chelko, Special Education Teacher, Radloff MS, 45 years in education, 7 years in Gwinnett
  • Sandra Choates, Technology Support Specialist, Information Management and Technology, 17.2 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Larry Church, Social Studies Teacher, Twin Rivers MS, 25.5 years in education, 17 years in Gwinnett
  • Carla D. Clark, Assistant Principal, Hull MS, 30 years in education, 15 years in GCPS
  • Cindy Clark, ESOL Teacher, Sweetwater MS, 35 years in education, 6 years in Gwinnett
  • Merlyn Clarke, School Nutrition Program Worker, Sweetwater MS, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • David L. Cocca, Zone 069 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 6 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Matthew Coker, Master Craftsman, Facilities and Operations, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Barbara Collins, Teacher, Baldwin ES, 20 years in education, 12.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Leigh Conley, Local School Technology Coordinator, Simpson ES, 37 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Suzanne Connel, Special Education Teacher, Norcross ES, 30 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Mary Cook, Media Clerk, Five Forks MS, 22 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Chris Cooper, Early Intervention Teacher, Alcova ES, 26 years in education, 25 years in Gwinnett
  • Edwin A. Cooper, Zone 06I Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Phyllis Cooper, Assistant Director, Business and Finance, 27.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Mircea Costan, Custodian, Archer HS, 12 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vicki Dobbs Couch, Media Specialist, Dacula HS, 31 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Wanda Kay Cox, School Clerk I, Grayson HS, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Denise Creech, Bookkeeper, Graves ES, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Michael Croker, Zone 06X Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 4 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Charissa “Sherri” Crook, Social Studies Teacher, Gwinnett Online Campus, 18.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Robin Crowe, Zone 076 Driver Trainer, Transportation, 30 years in education, 22 years in GCPS
  • Steve Crumley, Mathematics Teacher, Dacula HS, 30 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Riema L. Cummings, Teacher, Alford ES, 30 years in education, 4 years in GCPS
  • Jeanna Cunningham, Counselor, Corley ES, 29.5 years in education, 23 years in Gwinnett
  • Dianne Curle, Teacher, McKendree ES, 16 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Ken L. Curry, Technology Support Technician III, Information Management and Technology, 32 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jim Dahmen, Zone 062 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 18 years in education, 16 years in GCPS
  • Mark D’Angelo, Speech and Language Pathologist, Radloff MS, 36 years in education, 17 years in Gwinnett
  • Kim Daniels, Assistant, Information Management and Technology, 19.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Daphne Dannaker, School Clerk II, Central Gwinnett HS, 23 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Dmitriy Dariy, Custodian, Cooper ES, 19.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Diane Davidson, Administrative Assistant, Mason ES, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Michelle Davis, Payroll Specialist, Business and Finance, 11.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Debora F. Davis-Glaspie, Dual Language Immersion Teacher, Baldwin ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Elizabeth Day, Social Studies Teacher, Richards MS, 14.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kori C. Deal, Teacher, Arcado ES, 30 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Lew Deitz, Zone 066 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 7 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Andie C. Derricho, Language Arts Teacher, GIVE Center West, 30 years in education, 18 years in Gwinnett
  • Ronald N. DeSears, JROTC Assistant Instructor, Dacula HS, 14 years in education, 5 years in GCPS
  • Jim Dew, Political Science Teacher, Grayson HS, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • David Dillard, Instructional Analyst, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 23 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Olga Domasovet, Custodian, Grace Snell MS, 21 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Wendy Dore, Teacher, Peachtree ES, 22 years in education, 16 years in GCPS
  • Joyce Dorian, Art Teacher, Puckett’s Mill ES, 31 years in education, 15 years in Gwinnett
  • *Deborah Duncan, Zone 061 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 43.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jennifer M. Duncan, Media Specialist, Suwanee ES, 29 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Marie Duncan, Zone 06E Special Education Bus Monitor, Transportation, 11 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Lucy Durso, French Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 30 years in education, 16 years in Gwinnett
  • *Gail Edwards, Clinic Worker, Duluth HS, 41 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Kim Edwards, Paraprofessional, Grayson HS, 20.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Anne Elliott, Head Custodian, Simpson ES, 24 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Marti Ellwood, Speech and Language Pathologist, Grayson ES, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Melinda Lancashire Eloshway, Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, Lovin ES, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Tracy Emerson, Analyst, Human Resources and Talent Management,  19.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jackie Emmons, Teacher, Mountain View HS, 14.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Valerie Estes, Special Education Teacher, Oakland Meadow School, 20.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ersdel Estridge, Paraprofessional, Hopkins ES, 22 years in education, 15 years in GCPS
  • Deidra Eubanks, Coordinator, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Carla Evans, Local School Technology Coordinator, Walnut Grove ES, 36 years in education, 19 years in GCPS
  • Roger B. Evans, Special Education Teacher, Buice Center, 23 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Bethenia F. Evens, Fleet Maintenance Clerk, Facilities and Operations, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Deb Farley, Speech and Language Pathologist, Baggett ES, 20 years in education, 17 years in Gwinnett
  • Karen Febles, Assistant, School Improvement and Operations, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Maria E. Fernandez-Thom, Spanish Teacher, Central Gwinnett HS, 33 years in education, 29 years in Gwinnett
  • Beth Feustel, Science Teacher, Hull MS, 30 years in education, 17 years in GCPS
  • Timothy L. Fisher, Director of Facility Planning, Facilities and Operations, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Missy Flood, Language Arts Teacher, Brookwood HS, 28 years in education, 25.3 years in GCPS
  • Kelly Flores, Stellar Substitute, Woodward Mill ES, 15 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Audrey Flowers, Social Studies Teacher, Creekland MS, 34 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Elizabeth Floyd, Mathematics Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 35.5 years in education, 24 years in Gwinnett
  • Bernadette Foster, Zone 072 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 28 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Tressa Fouts, School Clerk I, Hopkins ES, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Paula Fowler, Physics Teacher, North Gwinnett HS, 33 years in education, 19 years in GCPS
  • Amy Foy, Health and PE Teacher, Coleman MS, 25.3 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Judy France, Health and PE Teacher, Trickum MS, 35 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Sally Franklin, Stellar Substitute, Craig ES, 30 years in education, 14 years in Gwinnett
  • Pamela P. Frazier, ESOL Teacher, Lilburn ES, 33 years in education, 18 years in GCPS
  • Carlos A. Freytes, Special Education Teacher, Oakland Meadow School, 28 years in education, 16 years in Gwinnett
  • Sherry Fuller, Zone 068 Regular Education Activity Bus Manager, Transportation, 35.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Leslie Gamble, Media Clerk, Chattahoochee ES, 34 years in education, 10 years in Gwinnett
  • Melanie Gail Jennings Gardner, Special Education Teacher, Lilburn MS, 28 years in education, 15 years in GCPS
  • Karen L. Garmon, Senior Application Analyst, Data Governance, 28 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Karen Garner,Media Specialist, Couch MS, 22.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Arlene Garrett, Zone 06Z Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 12 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Annette Gaugler, Music Teacher, Jackson ES, 35 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Cindy Gaus, Assistant Principal, Level Creek ES, 32 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Stephen Gay, Grounds Site Project Manager, Facilities and Operations, 29.3 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Katie Gerity, School Nutrition Program Worker, Dacula ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Namita Ghimire, Paraprofessional, Ferguson ES, 16.5 years in education, 16 years in GCPS
  • Daphne Gibbs, Special Education Teacher, Lanier MS, 22 years in education, 19 years in Gwinnett
  • June Gilbert, Student Information System Specialist, Data Governance, 25.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Wanda Gilleland, Paraprofessional, Lilburn ES, 26 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Dolly Glisson, Counselor, Meadowcreek HS, 24 years in education, 14 years in GCPS
  • Daniel Gorski, Paraprofessional, Rock Springs ES, 15 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Lenora Goulbourne-Todd, ESOL Teacher, Kanoheda ES, 24 years in education, 13 years in GCPS
  • Cindy Green, School Clerk I, Grayson HS, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Myra N. Green, School Nutrition Program Assistant Manager, Peachtree Ridge HS, 32 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vermelle Gregory Greenwood, Special Education Teacher, Duluth HS, 37 years in education, 23 years in Gwinnett
  • Jerry Greer, Custodian, Northbrook MS, 10.5 years in education, 5.8 years in GCPS
  • Leslie Greer, Media Specialist, Dacula MS, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jeanette Griffin, School Clerk I, Meadowcreek HS, 18 years in education, 14 years in GCPS
  • Martha Griffin, Science Teacher, Trickum MS, 23 years in education, 18 years in Gwinnett
  • Felicia Brisbay Gudger, History Teacher, Brookwood HS, 30.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Karla Hair, School Nutrition Program Worker, Magill ES, 16.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Tracey Halama, Assistant Principal, Osborne MS, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cheryl Hall, Teacher, Harbins ES, 31 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Lori T. Hall, Coordinator, Information Management and Technology, 31 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Susan Hall, Teacher, Meadowcreek ES, 36 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jimmy Hammond, Custodian, Parkview HS, 35 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Charlene Hanson, Zone 066 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 30 years in education, 20.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Irma Harmon, School Administrative Clerk, Norcross ES, 16 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Clive Harris, Zone 073 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 45 years in education, 18.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Jim Harris, Assistant Director of Environmental, Print, and Supply, Facilities and Operations, 13 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Elizabeth Harrison, School Nutrition Program Worker, Berkmar MS, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Joe Harrison, Service Technician, Information Management and Technology, 18.5 years in education, 17 years in GCPS
  • Cheri Hartley, School Nutrition Program Manager, Pinckneyville MS, 30 years in education, 22.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Libby Lucas Haverly, Teacher, Cooper ES, 29.1 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dianne R. Haynes, Paraprofessional, Berkmar MS, 28.2 years in education, 23.2 years in Gwinnett
  • Dawn Head, Assistant, Facilities and Operations, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dallas Heartbarger, Zone 06X Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 17.4 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kim Hedden, Administrative Assistant I, School Improvement and Operations, 24 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dorry Heffner, Paraprofessional, Duncan Creek ES, 13 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Joyce Ann Heflin, School Nutrition Program Worker, South Gwinnett HS, 22 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Connie Hembree, Zone 07C Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Carol G. Henry, Special Education Teacher, Sweetwater MS, 38.5 years in education, 23.5 years in GCPS
  • Valerie Pless Hepburn, Mathematics Teacher, Walnut Grove ES, 27 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kathie Herman, School Clerk I, Duluth HS, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Michael Herring, Mathematics Teacher, Gwinnett Online Campus, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ann Herron, Assistant Principal, Duluth HS, 30 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Kitty Herzer, School Nutrition Program, Assistant Manager, McConnell MS, 24 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Bob Hicks, Zone 073 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 16.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Eddie Hicks, Lead Coordinator, Facilities and Operations, 30.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Catherine Higgins, Paraprofessional, Riverside ES, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Randi Hill, Local School Technology Coordinator, Information Management and Technology, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Pauline Hilton, School Nutrition Program Worker, Trickum MS, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Nona Hodges, Assistant Principal, Sweetwater MS, 41 years in education, 27 years in Gwinnett
  • Rebecca C. Hogan, Student Data Management Clerk, White Oak ES, 13 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Andrea Holland, Teacher, Fort Daniel ES, 28 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • *Cheryl P. Horn, Music Teacher, Anderson-Livsey ES, 43 years in education, 6 years in GCPS
  • Laura Horne, School Nutrition Program Worker, Norcross HS, 15.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Suzanne Houser, Language Arts Teacher, Mountain View HS, 31 years in education, 30 years in GCPS
  • Alma T. Howard, Zone 073 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jacqueline Sara Deighton Huffman, Marketing/Development Teacher, North Gwinnett HS, 30.5 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Krista Hunter, ESOL Teacher, McConnell MS, 28 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jerilyn Hyndman, Assistant Principal, Grayson HS, 30 years in education, 25.5 years in GCPS
  • Stella Jackson, Administrative Assistant, Stripling ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Tammy Jackson, School Nutrition Program Worker, White Oak ES, 13.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Dr. Maude Dean Jefferson-Wood, Reading Teacher, Moore MS, 50 years in education, 18 years in Gwinnett
  • Mary Jett, School Nutrition Program Worker, McConnell MS, 18 years in education, all in GCPS
  • David Johns, Social Worker I, Meadowcreek HS, 29 years in education, 22 years in Gwinnett
  • Lisa Marie Johnson, Principal, Head ES, 27.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Valerie Johnson, Paraprofessional, Mill Creek HS, 24 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Cindy Johnston, Zone 076 Transportation Accident Investigator, Transportation, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Billy Jones, Chemistry Teacher, Mountain View HS, 47 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Keith Jones, Custodian, Chattahoochee ES, 7 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Quintin Jones, Health and PE Teacher, Grace Snell MS, 28.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Rebecca Jones, Reading Recovery Teacher, Craig ES, 30 years in education, 21 years in GCPS
  • Sherry Jones, School Nutrition Program Assistant Manager, Phoenix HS, 14.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • *Zarina Junaid, Paraprofessional, Stripling ES, 42 years in education, 10 years in GCPS
  • Bekrija Kadric, Custodian, Mountain View HS, 11 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Elizabeth Kaman, Teacher, Chattahoochee ES, 32 years in education, 17 years in GCPS
  • JoAnn Keefer, School Clerk I, Harmony ES, 15.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Randall Keller, Zone 06V Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jill Ketterhagen, Art Teacher, Baggett ES, 32 years in education, 7 years in Gwinnett
  • Chris Kimbro, Social Worker I, Central Gwinnett HS, 27 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Annie King, Paraprofessional, Rockbridge ES, 19 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kathleen Kirby, Zone 071 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 27.5 years in education, 19.5 years in GCPS
  • Beth Knight, Language Arts Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 29 years in education, 24 years in Gwinnett
  • Susan Knight, Zone 060 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 13.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Rosemary Knight-Snowden, Special Education Teacher, Oakland Meadow School, 28 years in education, 3.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Ljiljana Kujaca, Custodian, Crews MS, 20.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Leigh Ann Lacey, Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 29 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Loretta Larkin, School Nutrition Program Assistant Manager, Cooper ES, 18.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Wanda Law, Principal, North Gwinnett MS, 33 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Mary McClure Lawrence, Teacher, Duncan Creek ES, 27.5 years in education, 23.5 years in GCPS
  • Ashley Leach, Mathematics Teacher, North Gwinnett HS, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ken B. Leach, Biology Teacher, North Gwinnett HS, 36 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cathy Ledford, Media Clerk, Meadowcreek ES, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Brenda Lee, Zone 07C Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 38 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Karen Lee, Zone 062 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Patricia Lee, Mathematics Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 29 years in education, 21 years in GCPS
  • Elizabeth Lenahan, Paraprofessional, Collins Hill HS, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • John Lewis, Science Teacher, Richards MS, 26.5 years in education, 18 years in GCPS
  • Ruthanne Lewis, Paraprofessional, Suwanee ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jing Li, Paraprofessional, Ferguson ES, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cindy Lindquist, Administrative Assistant III, Superintendent’s Office, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Martha Linville, School Nutrition Program Assistant Manager, Grayson HS, 10 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kimberly Lipe, Language Arts and Literacy Director, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 31 years in education, 24 years in Gwinnett
  • Aimee Litt, Literacy Coach, Cooper ES, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Debra R. Lively, Zone 06Y Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 32 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Chris Locke, STEM/STEAM Teacher, Craig ES, 32 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Roslyn Long, Clinic Worker, Hull MS, 17 years in education, 11 years in Gwinnett
  • Bessie Love, School Nutrition Program Worker, Meadowcreek HS, 16 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Penny Macenczak, Zone 076 Safety and Training Manager, Transportation, 35 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Lorraine Mack, Science Teacher, Roberts ES, 21.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Carolyn B. Madden, Special Education Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 33 years in education, 23 years in Gwinnett
  • Billy Maddox, Lead Auto/Diesel Technician, Facilities and Operations, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Deborah Maddox, Portal Support Specialist, Information Management and Technology, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Mary Madincea, Media Clerk, Trip ES, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Carol Maholski, Mathematics Teacher, Lovin ES, 24 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sally Manaois, Special Education Teacher, Britt ES, 28.5 years in education, 24.5 years in GCPS
  • Robert Mangino, Biology Teacher, Dacula HS, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Suzzanne Manley, Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 37 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Ann Mann, Zone 077 Special Education Bus Monitor, Transportation, 28 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Janet Mann, Special Education Teacher, Simpson ES, 30 years in education, 26 years in GCPS
  • Buddy Marino, Fleet Foreman, Facilities and Operations, 16 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Judy Marshall, Zone 076 Dispatcher, Transportation, 25 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Diane D. Martin, Language Arts Teacher, North Gwinnett MS, 29 years in education, 15 years in Gwinnett
  • Debbie Marty, Student Data Management Clerk, Pinckneyville MS, 29 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Gustavo Mastrapa, Custodian, Craig ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Pat Mayer, School Nutrition Program Manager, Grayson HS, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cherie McAdams, Mathematics Teacher, Dacula HS, 33 years in education, 30 years in Gwinnett
  • Dan McAlister, School Nutrition Program Worker, Shiloh ES, 16 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Linda H. McBride, School Nutrition Program Worker, Shiloh ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Beverly McCallum, Teacher, Gwin Oaks ES, 34 years in education, 21 years in GCPS
  • Officer Chuck McCallum, School Resource Officer II, School Improvement and Operations, 23.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sheri McCauley, School Nutrition Program Worker, Dacula HS, 13.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Michael J. McClendon, Custodian, Service Center, 5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Valerie B. McClendon, School Clerk III, Duluth HS, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Debra McCoy, Special Education Teacher, Couch MS, 13 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Terri G. McCrary, Special Education Teacher, Peachtree Ridge HS, 30 years in education, 26 years in GCPS
  • *Larry McDaniel, Custodian, Dacula HS, 40 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Charlene McGrath, Director of Student Data Management, Data Governance, 31 years in education, 18.5 years in GCPS
  • Debbie McMichael, Teacher, Puckett’s Mill ES, 30 years in education, 27 years in Gwinnett
  • Joanne McMillian, Social Studies Teacher, Hull MS, 26 years in education, 19 years in GCPS
  • Pamela McRae, Community School Director, Parkview HS, 37 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Christine McTigue, Special Education Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 22 years in education, 20 years in GCPS
  • Zekija Mekanovic, Custodian, Mulberry ES, 14.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Gayle H. Melton,Programmer Analyst, Information Management and Technology, 10 years in education, 6.7 years in GCPS
  • Cindy Meme, Health Teacher, McConnell MS, 29.6 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • John Meme, Health and PE Teacher, McConnell MS, 30 years in education, 28 years in GCPS
  • Susan Menendez, School Nutrition Program Worker, Britt ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Rachel Mickle, Assistant Principal, Five Forks MS, 30.3 years in education, 21.5 years in GCPS
  • Dennis Miles, Community School Director, Discovery HS, 35 years in education, 18 years in Gwinnett
  • Norma Miller, Spanish Teacher, Duluth HS, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Terri D. Milton, Paraprofessional, Shiloh ES, 30 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Tanya S. Mingledorff, School Nutrition Program Manager, Mason ES, 27 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Angelique Mitchell, Principal, Ferguson ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Amy Mock, Teacher, Mason ES, 29.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Yvonne Mohamed, Teacher, Benefield ES, 20.5 years in education, 16.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Barbara Money, Paraprofessional, Collins Hill HS, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Rosemary Montlick, School Nutrition Program Worker, Knight ES, 25 years in education, 4 years in Gwinnett
  • Henry Montoya, Custodian, Duluth MS, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Lisa Moore, Instructional Support Teacher, Dacula ES, 32 years in education, 31 years in Gwinnett
  • Michele Morales, School Nutrition Program Manager, McClure Health Science HS, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Sam Morgan, Head Groundskeeper, Facilities and Operations, 37 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ann Morrison, Zone 06E Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 12 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dawn Moss, Language Arts Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Heather H. Mruk, Paraprofessional, Patrick ES, 30 years in education, 21 years in GCPS
  • Smaila Mujkic, Custodian, Collins Hill HS, 21 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sharon L. Muller, Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jennifer Murray, ESOL Teacher, Mason ES, 22 years in education, 19 years in Gwinnett
  • Bhavana Nair, Paraprofessional, Dyer ES, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Elizabeth Nakano, Media Specialist, Simpson ES, 16 years in education, 8 years in Gwinnett
  • Bonnie Neal, School Clerk IV, Snellville MS, 25 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Muriel Neal, School Nutrition Program Worker, Norcross HS, 15 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • David Nelson, Physics Teacher, Archer HS, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • PJ Nelson, Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 31 years in education, 20 years in Gwinnett
  • Lisa Newton, Teacher, Harbins ES, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dana Nichols, Computer Technology Teacher, Arcado ES, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kim Nichols, Assistant Principal, Collins Hill HS, 35 years in education, 20 years in GCPS
  • Julie Norman, Speech and Language Pathologist, Burnette ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Helen Nixon, Science Teacher, GIVE Center East, 29.5 years in education, 26.5 years in GCPS
  • Ronnie Noa, Speech and Language Pathologist, Baggett ES, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Susan Noland, Media Specialist, Mulberry ES, 25 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jennifer C. Norris, School Nutrition Program Worker, Bethesda ES, 24 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Allison Ogburn, ESOL Teacher, Chattahoochee ES, 34 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Vickie L. O’Kelley, Paraprofessional, Freeman’s Mill ES, 24.5 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Steven Olds, Zone 06Y Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Elizabeth Olivier, Teacher, Rockbridge ES, 27 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Jeanette Garrard Ollinger, Social Studies Teacher, Crews MS, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Barbara J. Olszewski, Instructional Clerk, Simpson ES, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Cathy O'Rouke, Administrative Assistant, Sugar Hill ES, 25 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Melinda Palmer, School Nutrition Program Manager, Summerour MS, 24.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Shanna Panner, Reading Recovery Teacher, Mason ES, 29.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Sharon L. Pardue, Speech and Language Pathologist, Sycamore ES, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Susan Parham, ESOL Teacher, Benefield ES, 34 years in education, 31 years in GCPS
  • Jeff Parker, Zone 070 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 12.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Wayne Parris, Special Education Teacher, Shiloh ES, 31 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Tracy Parrish, Local School Technology Coordinator, Chattahoochee ES, 27 years in education, 25 years in Gwinnett
  • Cynthia Passmore, Custodian, Head ES, 5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Donna Patrick, Coordinator, School Improvement and Operations, 31 years in education, 29 years in Gwinnett
  • Robert Patrick, Latin Teacher, Parkview HS, 32 years in education, 17 years in GCPS
  • Constance S. Patsy, Teacher, Winn Holt ES, 38 years in education, 17 years in Gwinnett
  • JR Payne, Enterprise Backup Administrator, Information Management and Technology, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Kathleen Pelletier, Special Education Teacher, Oakland Meadow School, 40 years in education, 25 years in Gwinnett
  • Wenda R. Peltz, Student Behavior Intervention Coordinator, School Improvement and Operations, 30.5 years in education, 28.5 years in GCPS
  • Brenda Perry, School Nutrition Operations Specialist, Business and Finance, 24 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Pamela B. Perry, Biology Teacher, Mill Creek HS, 29 years in education,18 years in GCPS
  • Maria Peter, Custodian, Patrick ES, 22.5 years in education, 14 years in Gwinnett
  • Barbara Phillips, Administrative Assistant, Bay Creek MS, 18 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Carole K. Phucas, Special Education Teacher, Duncan Creek ES, 23 years in education, 19 years in Gwinnett
  • Rosie Placek, Assistant Principal, Peachtree Ridge HS, 28 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Gisela Polanco-DeJesus, ESOL Teacher, Stripling ES, 30 years in education, 20 years in Gwinnett
  • Erica Poole, Spanish Teacher, International Transition Center, 30 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Ted Poolos, Maintenance Inventory Specialist, Facilities and Operations, 10 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Carol Potter, Biology Teacher, Parkview HS, 21 years in education, 19 years in GCPS
  • Dorina Povian, Custodian, Brookwood HS, 19 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Candy Pratt, Paraprofessional, Simpson ES, 29 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Carol Price, Bookkeeper, Trickum MS, 15 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Cheryl Price, Student Data Management Clerk, GIVE Center West, 25.5 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Robert S. Purcell, Zone 074 Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 26 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sandy Purcell, Zone 076,Transportation Accident Investigator, Transportation, 25 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Allison Quevedo, Teacher, Cedar Hill ES, 33 years in education, 23 years in Gwinnett
  • Yvette Quiros-Syrkett, Spanish Teacher, Brookwood HS, 20 years in education, 15 years in GCPS
  • Loretta Raley, Special Education Teacher, Oakland Meadow School, 24 years in education, 15 years in Gwinnett
  • Robbie Ramey, Assistant, Facilities and Operations, 32.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Denise Rankine, School Nutrition Program Worker, Mountain View HS, 22.5 years in education, 16.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Kelly Raymond, ESOL Teacher, Alford ES, 35 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Iva Rea, Mathematics Teacher, Central Gwinnett HS, 13.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Karen Recknor, Paraprofessional, Brookwood HS, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Melody Rhodes, Mathematics Teacher, Collins Hill HS, 32 years in education, 30 years in Gwinnett
  • Libby Rickett, Language Arts Teacher, Duluth HS, 18.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Barbara Ricks, School Nutrition Program Worker,Harris ES, 16 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Amy E. Riker, Special Education Teacher, Puckett’s Mill ES, 31 years in education, 20 years in GCPS
  • Carolyn Rivers, Teacher, Ivy Creek ES, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Wanda Riviere, Specialist, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 33 years in education, 26 years in GCPS
  • Sloan Roach, Executive Director of Communication and Media Relations, Superintendent’s Office, 32 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • *James Dean Roberson, Special Education Teacher, Berkmar MS, 42 years in education, 10 years in GCPS
  • Fran Roberts, Teacher, Britt ES, 35 years in education, 15 years in Gwinnett
  • Liz Robinowich, Paraprofessional, Grayson ES, 34.5 years in education, 20 years in GCPS
  • Linda K. Robinson, Zone 063 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 13 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sheryl D. Robinson, Dual Language Immersion Teacher, Baldwin ES, 30 years in education, 26 years in GCPS
  • Rebekah Rogers, Language Arts Teacher, Couch MS, 28 years in education, 22 years in Gwinnett
  • Matt Rooks, History Teacher, Phoenix HS, 37 years in education, 26 years in GCPS
  • Melissa Rorie, Health and PE Teacher, Walnut Grove ES, 32 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Amie Ross, Counselor, Baldwin ES, 30 years in education, 21 years in GCPS
  • Jennifer Poole Ross, Lead School Nurse, School Improvement and Operations, 21.5 years in education, 17.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Debra Roudebush, Zone 06I Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 34 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Lynda K. Rowe, Social Studies Teacher, North Gwinnett MS, 27 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Debbie Ruiz, Instructional Clerk, Meadowcreek ES, 33 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Beth Russell, Coordinator, Information Management and Technology, 25 years in education, 11.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Laura Ryan, Psychologist III, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 26.5 years in education, 25.5 years in GCPS
  • Jeane Sammons, Teacher, Brookwood ES, 32 years in education, 28 years in Gwinnett
  • Alexia Sandow, Special Education Teacher, Couch MS, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Sheree Sargeant, Administrative Assistant, Dacula ES, 42 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Rae Schirrmacher, Bookkeeper, Phoenix HS, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Angela Schoenknecht, Paraprofessional, Stripling ES, 29 years in education, 22 years in Gwinnett
  • Officer Tom Schwarzer, School Resource Officer III, School Improvement and Operations, 27 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Tom Scott, Energy Control Technician, Facilities and Operations, 30.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Cathy Seguin, Language Arts Teacher, Osborne MS, 32 years in education, 28 years in GCPS
  • Baseemah Alice Shaheed, Special Education Teacher, Shiloh MS, 10.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Tara Sheehan, Application Support Specialist, Information Management and Technology, 32.5 years in education, 20 years in GCPS
  • Fahrie Shehu, School Nutrition Program Worker, Magill ES, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Joanna Shires, Paraprofessional, McKendree ES, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Cathy Shrader, Zone 071 Regular Education Transportation Supervisor, Transportation, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Rita Shue, Assistant, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 24 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Teresa Siebenbruner, Assistant Principal, North Gwinnett HS, 32 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Victoria Sieverts, Speech and Language Pathologist, Collins Hill HS, 24 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Joyce Sims, Custodian, Fort Daniel ES, 27.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Stephen Skinner, Printing Manager, Facilities and Operations, 22.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Lani Skogen, Administrative Assistant, Simonton ES, 14 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Barbara “Babs” Smith, Science Teacher, McConnell MS, 21.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Dorinda K. Smith, Zone 06Z Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 27 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Jan Smith, Music Teacher, Simpson ES, 37 years in education, 26 years in Gwinnett
  • Jana Smith, Teacher, Fort Daniel ES, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kathy Smith, Teacher, Jackson ES, 28 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Kimberley Smith, Teacher, Benefield ES, 29 years in education, 25 years in Gwinnett
  • Kimberly M. Smith, Teacher, Taylor ES, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Laurie Smith, Social Studies Teacher, McConnell MS, 26 years in education, 22 years in Gwinnett
  • Melissa M. Smith, Fine Arts Teacher, McConnell MS, 30 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Patricia Smith, Special Education Teacher, Brookwood ES, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Robin Smith, Special Education Teacher, Norton ES, 24 years in education, 20.5 years in GCPS
  • Andrea Sorenson, Teacher, Simonton ES, 31 years in education, 19 years in Gwinnett
  • Lisa B. Speers, Early Intervention Teacher, Lawrenceville ES, 26 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Leanette Spencer, Media Specialist, Ferguson ES, 20 years in education,all in Gwinnett
  • Joseph B. Stafford, Zone 06Y Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 10 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Marian Stalvey, Science Teacher, Osborne MS, 32 years in education, 24 years in Gwinnett
  • Don Stebbins, Technology Support Technician III, Information Management and Technology, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Stefanie W. Steele, Assistant Principal, Parkview HS, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Susan Stercay, Administrative Assistant, Patrick ES, 21 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kathy Stewart, Paraprofessional, Parkview HS, 29 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Tammie Still, School Nutrition Program Worker, Lovin ES, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vicki Still, Speech and Language Pathologist, Curriculum and Instructional Support, 30 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Beverly D. Stone, School Nutrition Program Manager, Harris ES, 27.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Karen Stymer, Zone 06G Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 30 years in education, 25 years in Gwinnett
  • Anne Marie Szathmary, Science Teacher, Creekland MS, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Louise B. Talley, Zone 07C Special Education Bus Monitor, Transportation, 15 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Kevin Tashlein, Chief Strategy Officer, Superintendent’s Office, 33.5 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Jennie Tate, Teacher, Level Creek ES, 33 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Amy Taylor, Teacher, Brookwood ES, 26 years in education, 14 years in GCPS
  • Debbie Taylor, Assistant Principal, Brookwood ES, 30 years in education, 29 years in Gwinnett
  • Patricia Taylor, Zone 078 Special Education Bus Monitor, Transportation, 15.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Kellie Terrell, Zone 07C Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 18.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Bruce M. Thomas, Zone 064 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Lillian Thompson, Early Intervention Teacher, Norcross ES, 50 years in education, 7 years in Gwinnett
  • Amy M. Thornton, Special Education Teacher, Dacula MS, 12 years in education, 4 years in GCPS
  • Lori Thrower, Administrative Assistant, Phoenix HS, 22 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Connie Tiller, Health and PE Teacher, Creekland MS, 23.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Lynn Tiller, Teacher, Camp Creek ES, 25 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Nita Tisdale, Paraprofessional, Buice Center, 20 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Debbie Toland, Safety and Security Assistant, School Improvement and Operations, 25 years in education, 23 years in Gwinnett
  • Ruth Tomlinson, Principal, Corley ES, 28.5 years in education, 23 years in GCPS
  • Eric Toppari, Technology Support Technician III, Information Management and Technology, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Lavetta Avonda Toppin, School Nutrition Program Worker, Radloff MS, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Debby Torak, Teacher, Chattahoochee ES, 29 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Robert Towns, Surplus and Warehouse Expeditor, Facilities and Operations, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jackie Tucker, Instructional Clerk, Duncan Creek ES, 36 years in education, 33 years in Gwinnett
  • Debbie C. Turner, Homebound Instructor, Oakland Meadow School, 28 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Jimmieann Turner, Teacher, Grace Snell MS, 10 years in education, 8 years in Gwinnett
  • Sandy Turner, Local School Technology Coordinator, Winn Holt ES, 36 years in education, 32 years in GCPS
  • Denise Vandament, Teacher, Ivy Creek ES, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Ed Varn, Social Studies Teacher, Northbrook MS, 10.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Josie Verdi, Science Teacher, Trickum MS, 29 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Karen Viskocil, School Nutrition Program Worker, Puckett’s Mill ES, 15 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Leasa Wages, Media Clerk, Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, 27.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Judi Walker, Teacher, Partee ES, 32 years in education, 5 years in GCPS
  • Cindy S. Wall, Teacher, Level Creek ES, 30 years in education, 20 years in Gwinnett
  • Judy S. Walts, School Clerk I, Twin Rivers MS, 23 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Deniece Watts, Administrative Assistant, Meadowcreek ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sarah Weaver, Student Data Management Clerk, Bay Creek MS, 19 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Susan E. Weber, Special Education Teacher, Central Gwinnett HS, 20 years in education, 14 years in Gwinnett
  • Angie Webster, Student Data Management Clerk, Jackson ES, 18 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Thelma O. Welham, Special Education Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 31 years in education, 7 years in Gwinnett
  • Carla Morgan Wells, Coordinator, Business and Finance, 33 years in education, 10 years in GCPS
  • Officer William Wellmaker, Assistant Director of Safety and Security, School Improvement and Operations, 19 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Karen Wesson, School Administrative Clerk, Starling ES, 32.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Jon Weyher, Director of Community Schools, School Improvement and Operations, 40 years in education, 21 years in Gwinnett
  • Brevlyn Bates Whetstone, Paraprofessional, Benefield ES, 14 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Steven A. White, Assistant Principal, Walnut Grove ES, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Barbara Whiteside, Student Data Management Clerk, Freeman’s Mill ES, 17 years in education, all in GCPS
  • *Emily Wilkerson, Facilities and Operations Assistant, Facilities and Operations, 42.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Leigh Pattillo Wilkinson, Counselor, Parkview HS, 29 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Beth Williams, Early Intervention Teacher, Rock Springs ES, 18 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Edmund Williams, History Teacher, Grayson HS, 29 years in education, 25 years in GCPS
  • Randy L. Williams, Administrative Assistant, Lovin ES, 23 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Sandra Williams, Zone 076/06H Transportation Supervisor, Transportation, 27 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Wendy Williams, Special Education Teacher, Taylor ES, 17 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Rhonda Willis, Teacher, Riverside ES, 30 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Agnes Wilson, District Maintenance Technician, Facilities and Operations, 10 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Bill Wilson, Jr., Technology Support Technician III, Information Management and Technology, 23 years in education, 22.5 years in Gwinnett
  • Kate Wilson, French Teacher, Brookwood HS, 31.5 years in education, 24 years in GCPS
  • Laura Wilson, Special Education Teacher, Norton ES, 16 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Shannon Wilson, Media Specialist, Grayson HS, 30 years in education, 15 years in Gwinnett
  • Kerensa Wing, Principal, Collins Hill HS, 32 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Vickie Winkle, School Nutrition Program Worker, Annistown ES, 27 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Donna Winzeler, Zone 07C Special Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 32 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Anne Wombel, Spanish Teacher, Meadowcreek HS, 37 years in education, 17 years in Gwinnett
  • *Susan G. Wood, Reading Recovery Teacher, Cooper ES, 46.6 years in education, 32.5 years in GCPS
  • Terri Woods, Student Data Management Clerk, Gwin Oaks ES, 31 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Barbara Works, Zone 07B Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 24.4 years in education, all in GCPS
  • CC Wray, Zone 064 Regular Education Bus Manager, Transportation, 8 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Lydia Wright, Teacher, Brookwood ES, 28 years in education, 22 years in GCPS
  • Ellen Yanochik, Mathematics Teacher, Creekland MS, 28 years in education, 5 years in Gwinnett
  • Penelope Palmer Young, Principal, Arcado ES, 30 years in education, 27 years in GCPS
  • Rick Young, STEM/STEAM Teacher, Hull MS, 20 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Alma Zec, Custodian, Mountain View HS, 11.5 years in education, all in GCPS
  • Osman Zec, Custodian, Mountain View HS, 12.5 years in education, all in Gwinnett
  • Donna Zimmer, Administrative Assistant I, Gwinnett Foundation, 20 years in education, all in GCPS