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Gwinnett County Public Schools

The Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals (GASSP) named Bay Creek Middle School and McClure Health Science High School among its 2022 Breakout Schools in November. The Breakout Schools Award identifies, recognizes, and showcases Georgia middle and high schools that are high-achieving or dramatically improving student achievement. The annual award recognizes outstanding middle and high schools based on collaborative leadership, personalization, and curriculum, instruction, and assessment. A competitive program that has seen the number of applicants growing each year, this year GASSP recognized two Breakout High Schools. In addition, Bay Creek Middle was one of only three middle schools in the state recognized as a Breakout Middle School. The three schools earning the “top performing” designation offered quality evidence and supporting documentation in their application that confirmed a demonstrated commitment to meeting the needs of all students. These schools were invited to present a special session at the GASSP Fall Conference to share their success stories.

"It was a real honor to receive the GASSP Breakout Award on behalf of all the students and faculty at McClureConnor Bowen, Dr. Nicole Moseley, and Dr. Chad Stone Health Science High School,” said McClure Health Science High School Principal Dr. Nicole Mosley. Dr. Mosley beamed as she added, “the award recognizes the sustained high achievements of our student body since we opened three years ago and how our innovative curriculum structured around health science pathways motivates students through real-world relevance, setting them up for success on their journey to college and careers. Most of all, it showcases the strong sense of community at McClure Health Science High School, where we work together to meet every student's social, emotional, and learning needs, striving to ‘Awaken the Wonder.’ ”

Mr. Jeremy Reily, the principal at Bay Creek Middle School, agrees with Dr. Mosley that earning theConnor Bowen, Jeremy Reily, and Dr. Chad Stone Breakout School award is evidence that students’ hard work is paying off. Mr. Reily commented, “GASSP is a terrific organization, and we appreciate them honoring us as the state’s Distinguished Breakout Middle School.” He added, “This award is a testament to the incredibly hard work of our staff, students, and parents as we work to get back to where we were before the pandemic. The massive learning gains that we had last year happened because our teachers are committed that each day, we cause learning. Bay Creek Middle has students with grit, and we all work hard to make our school a great place for great teachers.”