Transition Planning with the IEP Team
IDEA mandates transition planning take place by the time students are 16 years old.
In Gwinnett County, transition planning begins during the IEP year in which the student will turn 14 or 8th grade year.
When transition planning starts, students become an invited team member to attend their meetings.
Students complete a variety of age-appropriate transition assessments and classroom activities that help to identify their present levels of performance, preferences, strengths and needs.
Parents are also often asked to complete questionnaires to help collect additional information.
The student’s Transition Plan is a key part of the IEP that is individualized to their specific goals for life after high school. The Transition Plan will focus on the following areas, as appropriate for the student:
Post-secondary education
Independent living
Annual Transition IEP goals will be developed in the following areas, as appropriate:
Development of Employment
Community Participation
Adult Living Skills and Post-School Options
Related Services
Daily Living Skills
Another part of transition planning is preparing students to be self-determined, by understanding and advocating for their disability.
To learn more about self determination, check out the Transitions and Self-Determination resources from Parent to Parent of Georgia.
Transitions and Self-Determination resources from Parent to Parent of Georgia